Who is on the Church Building Expansion (CBE) Team?

As of 2024: Elder KC, Deacon Sean Wang, Deacon Julie Fu, Jay Huang 

Do we have to update the parking lot water flow and sewage issues?

Yes, even if the church building expansion did not happen, we are required by the Town of Lexington to make sure we fix the water flow and sewage issues. 

Please see the additional details in the question below: Why is CBE experiencing delays? 經歷拖延?

How are we funding this? 

Please note, the Church Building Expansion INCLUDES Building #151 and any other building projects, like the front deck near the entrance to the sanctuary. 

Church bonds were used to build the current building in 1990. This is how we planned for the financing of the CBE project in the 2012 vote. Church bonds require member approval (same as 1990).


發行教會債券需要會友通過 (與1990年相同)。

Funding changed from Church Bond to Member Loan and Donations due to the following considerations


Church Bond: High overhead, high interest and takes a longer time to pay (15 years). Over the years, the company we used went out of business. 教會債券:高發行以及管理費用,高利息,相對需要比較長期還清,發行的公司也已經不存在。

Options for funding now? 

There have been suggestions on a capital campaignA capital campaign is a large-scale fundraising effort conducted by a nonprofit organization in order to bring in a large addition of capital investment.  Many churches (for example Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and a Watertown, MA church) and other non-profits with major construction or renovations regularly organize this type of event in order to raise money beyond what is normally donated. 

What do you think? Please give us feedback HERE. 

How does CBE support our various known 10-year ministry plans and allow adaptability?

See PURPOSE for more information especially regarding current youth and childrens needs. 

優先考慮青少年,增加福音性活動與參與人數 :教室、多功能活動中心



Structurally supports pastors and administrative staff with expansion of work-space: new offices and ability to use old spaces to support daily work 提供新的工作環境以便支持教牧同工:新辦公室

•Provides opportunities for expansion of ministries both to our congregation and to our local community: sports ministry (basketball, ping-pong, badminton), youth and children’s programs, Joshua fellowship, COM retreat and activities, fall harvest festival, music gospel outreach etc.

  增加拓展事工的機會:體育相關事工、兒童事工(例如:秋季豐收節慶)、退休銀  髮團契、城區退休會、音樂佈道會、等等

•Creates a more welcoming and personalized space for CB Sunday Service and a 2nd CB sanctuary may also allow the flexibility for a 2nd CM service 

  建立專屬跨越橋的崇拜空間,打造舒適迎新的環境,進而空出主堂使中文堂有拓  展第二堂的選擇

What was the proposal in 2012?

CBE Project Voting Ballot June 17, 2012



Implement the ‘CBCGB Church Building Expansion Project’, estimated cost $6,200,000.   Raise the needed funds for the project by collecting $1,000,000 in donations from the congregation and issuing $5,000,000 in church bonds. 

Church Bond: High overhead, very high interest and takes a longer time to pay (15 years). Over the years, the company we used went out of business.


Please refer to "How are we funding this", for more details on financing now. And clearly, an estimate in 2012 is very under budgeted for 2024. 

How has the design changed over time?

Only the estimated amount ~$6 million dollars and a general concept idea was presented and approved. There were no detailed blueprints at this time.


For old design proposals, please refer to meeting notes from the special members meeting on May 19, 2024.  If you are a church member you would have received it in an email, and if you did not receive it please update your info HERE or contact the church secretary. 

For more information on the current proposed design, please click the DESIGN page HERE

How are we applying our new safety measures? 

For many YEARS, Pastor Bowman (Children's CBCGB Pastor), has wanted to update our current children's space including updating check-in and out systems and controlling access to the area. There are currently 6 entrance points to the space which is not only potentially dangerous, but distracting to the children and teachers when people use the area as a pass through. 

They reached out to a local church (Grace Chapel, Lexington MA) and toured their Children's area noting updated security and safety checks. Grace Chapel hired Risk Management Advisors (RMA) for not only a safety assessment and security updates for the children's space, but for the ENTIRE church and campus. We hired the same company Fall of 2023, and they are in process of making recommendations to our children's ministry area in addition to our ENTIRE church.

RMA is aware of the ongoing CBE project and will make more specific recommendations once permitting is in place. In addition, now that we have engaged them with our current buildings and campus, we would be able to adjust any CBE designs ahead of time as we now have more public safety education and foresight.  They are also keeping in mind integration with the future expansion, so the entire church can be on one logical comprehensive system. 

Email safetycommittee@cbcgb.org with any questions! 

Why is CBE experiencing delays? 經歷拖延?

Please note, the Church Building Expansion INCLUDES Building #151 and any other building projects, like the front deck near the entrance to the sanctuary. 

Please see History page and Updates on this blog for more details.




Scope of work has expanded: 工程範圍增加

We need to connect to the town sewer, decommission our septic tank and fulfill requirements of water and land conservation. 

These are needed, but unexpected costs. ~$700k 七十萬

Other questions?

If you other questions, comments, recommendations-please see form HERE to ask! 

Please also refer to the April 28, 2024 scheduled membership meeting minutes and May 19, 2024 special members meeting minutes on the church building expansion. Given the public nature of this website, we are trying to be careful with posting potentially sensitive information. Thank you for understanding! 

If you have a question on supporting our pastors or our youth ministry, these are important questions, but separate teams are working on updates, please contact:  elders@cbcgb.org about pastors and youth-info@cbcgb.org  about youth ministry

If you are a church member you would have received updates and meeting minutes in an email. If you did not receive it please update your info HERE or contact our church secretary secretary@cbcgb.org